Welcome note from the editor

This site is dedicated to people who owns, drive, or just love to admire the exquisite machines made by the inventors of the automobile, Mercedes-Benz.

Here you can read news, stories, history and technical articles related to Mercedes-Benz.

Got an article that you think we should publish?
Send it to us at addict4dramatic@gmail.com

please enjoy,
the editor.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


First things first (introduction)

Words:Bob Silalahi

This is an introduction to this magazine that I know I should’ve wrote the first time I launch the magazine –my bad. .I never liked clichĂ©’s, and conventions anyway, so here it is.

From the name you would have noticed that this is a magazine dedicated for those among us who share the same passion, the same fascination and the same idolatrous adoration for these cars with stars. The fact is, no matter how long the history behind Mercedes-Benz enthusiasts in Indonesia, there hasn’t been any definitive source for everything Mercedes written by Indonesians. Yes, through these years, some have tried, but most of them fell short on satisfying the enthusiasts’ need. Why is this so? Because the previous publications are written by journalists, and simply being a Mercedes-Benz journalist doesn’t necessary makes one a true enthusiast. So I decided to tackle this problem with this e magazine.

Here you will find not only up to date information regarding Mercedes-Benz and Daimler AG (they dropped the notorious Chrysler part from the company name earlier this month, following the major withdrawal of Chrysler’s share in the company-hope it’s for good) but also stories and histories about various Mercedes-Benz models through out its life. Sure most of the up to date news are taken from other sources, but none of them is written in Bahasa. That’s where indomerc comes in, providing you with the latest news in the world of Mercedes, in the language that most Indonesians understand.

You will find some of the ‘story’ articles written in English. This is not because I just cut and paste them here from other sources but because English can capture more nuances better than bahasa. So these articles are written in English simply because they would sound better that way. By reading it I’m sure you would agree.

So with this we present to you, Indomercedes, the only independent Mercedes-Benz publication in Indonesia that’s written by the people who understands for the people who understands.

Warm regards,

The editor

“a man should be a work of art, if he can’t be a work of art, then he should wear a work of art” , Oscar Wilde.