Welcome note from the editor

This site is dedicated to people who owns, drive, or just love to admire the exquisite machines made by the inventors of the automobile, Mercedes-Benz.

Here you can read news, stories, history and technical articles related to Mercedes-Benz.

Got an article that you think we should publish?
Send it to us at addict4dramatic@gmail.com

please enjoy,
the editor.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Enthusiast’ Buyers Guide

An Affordable Classic

1968-1976 Mercedes Benz W114/115

Models covered

W114 (6 Cylinders) 250; 250 2.8; 280E

W115 (4 Cylinders) 200;220;230.4;220D;240D

Sources Mercedes Enthusiast Magazine, Websites, Personal Research

Words Fandy ‘Bob’ Silalahi Images Mercedes Enthusiasts/Daimler AG

Kenikmatan mengendarai Mercedes-Benz klasik tidak selalu harus ditebus dengan harga selangit.

Lebih dari 30 tahun telah lewat sejak model terakhir keluar dari assembly line Mercedes, akan tetapi kita masih sering menemui model ini di jalanan walaupun frekuensinya dari tahun lepas tahun semakin menurun. Kebanyakan berada dalam kondisi pas-pasan, body dan sasis berkarat, mesin hobi mogok. Beginilah nasib model-model yang ‘umum’. Model-model yang lebih jarang hampir pasti mendapat perhatian lebih dari pemiliknya dari pada model-model yang relatif umum seperti W114-115 ini. Kendati beredar dalam jumlah yang cukup banyak (relatively speaking, at least, untuk ukuran Mercedes yang beredar di akhir 60-an sampai pertengahan 70-an) bukan berarti model ini tidak menyimpan daya tarik dan keunikan tersendiri, it is a Mercedes, yang berarti setiap model yang dikeluarkan adalah bak puisi berjalan, poetry in motion, so they say.

Memutuskan untuk membeli W114/115 di zaman sekarang bukanlah suatu keputusan yang dilandasi pertimbangan ekonomi, tetapi lebih karena kekaguman pada keindahan modelnya.

Poin penting yang harus anda ingat sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli adalah ini merupakan proyek yang berkelanjutan. Seperti umumnya mobil-mobil yang masih dapat berjalan jauh melewati masa peredaran normalnya, mobil ini akan menuntut perhatian dan kasih sayang terus menerus dari pemiliknya. Karenanya, daripada difungsikan sebagai transportasi sehari-hari, mobil ini lebih cocok diperlakukan seperti ‘istri simpanan’ yang harus selalu di ‘maintain’ tetapi dipakai hanya pada occasion tertentu saja, weekends, misalnya.

Design and Engineering

Grill yang besar, lampu bertingkat, interior yang stylish, lampu belakang bergerigi dan garis-garis body-nya menaruh landasan bagi generasi model-model yang diproduksi setelahnya. Apabila W114/115 diparkir di sebelah W221 E-class (2000-2005), maka anda akan dapat melihat benang merah antara desain keduanya.

Inovasi mekanikal pada model ini mencakup suspensi belakang independent dengan trailing arm dan per keong menggantikan sistem swing arm yang dipakai pada model sebelumnya yaitu W111 Fintail (ironisnya, sistem suspensi belakang yang ditinggalkan Mercedes tiga puluh (!) tahun yang lalu itu masih saja dipakai pada sejumlah mobil-mobil baru yang populer bahkan sebagian dianggap sebagai simbol status, seperti Toyota Avanza, Kijang Innova, Jeep Cherokee, Nissan Teranno, Suzuki APV, Ford Everest dan masih banyak lagi, I just don’t get it! Tetapi yang pasti ini satu lagi bukti bahwa Mercedes memang berada pada ‘liga’ yang berbeda dengan mobil-mobil lain pada umumnya). Sistem suspensi ini memiliki kelebihan yaitu berkurangnya perubahan camber pada roda-roda belakang saat suspensi bergerak naik/turun dan berkurangnya unsprung weight kendaraan. Hal yang pertama berpengaruh pada kestabilan kendaraan saat berbelok atau melewati jalan jelek sedangkan yang kedua berpengaruh pada peningkatan respon chassis (kelincahan) ketika mobil diajak bermanuver. Inovasi lain diantaranya peningkatan servis interval sampai 8000km dan tidak diperlukannya lagi chassis greasing secara berkala.

Line up W115 mengusung mesin-mesin dengan kapasitas 2000 dan 2200cc baik diesel maupun petrol. Sedangkan W114 dilengkapi mesin 2500 dan 2800cc.

Seluruh tipe mesin petrol menggunakan karburator, mesin 4 cylinder memiliki satu, sedangkan mesin 6 cylinder dilengkapi 2 buah karburator.


Sudah menjadi tradisi Mercedes-benz untuk melakukan improvement di rentang masa produksi setiap modelnya. Salah satu evolusi terpentinng adalah facelift yang cukup ekstensif pada tahun1973. Tetapi sebelum itu ada beberapa perngembangan yang juga perlu dicatat. Pada 1970 mesin 2800 cc SOHC dimasukan kedalam line up dengan output 128 bhp (sama dengan mesin 2500 cc) dan torsi sebesar 159 lb-ft (peningkatan sebesar 12 lb-ft dari model 2500 cc). Dua tahun kemudian (1972) mesin M110 2800 cc DOHC mulai ditawarkan dengan karburator untuk model 280 dan Bosch D-Jetronic Injection untuk 280E. Selain bumper depan yang lebih besar, model-model top of the line ini juga dicirikan oleh bumper belakang yang yang melingkar (wrap around) dan pipa knalpot ganda. Jajaran model dengan mesin empat silinder juga mengalami update dengan diperkenalkannya mesin 2300 untuk menggantikan model 220 dan diberi badge 230.4. Untuk varian bermesin diesel, tipe 240D mulai diperkenalkan sebagai varian yang lebih mahal daripada 220D, kemudian 240D 3.0 juga diluncurkan mengusung mesin diesel lima cylinder (pertama di dunia) berkapasitas 3000cc.

Facelift pada tiga tahun sebelum masa produksi model ini berakhir, memperkenalkan beberapa perubahan mendasar pada eksterior. Yang terutama adalah garis kap mesin dan grill yang lebih rendah sehingga membuat tampilan moncong menjadi lebih lembut, hilangnya lubang angin pada pojok jendela-jendela depan, decorative trim pada pillar A yang didesain untuk menjauhkan debu dari jendela depan, kaca spion yang bisa disetel dari dalam, desain lampu belakang anti lumpur ‘bergerigi’ (yang menjadi ciri Mercedes-Benz sampai sekarang), dan bemper depan satu panel (sebelumnya dua lapis). Pengembangan juga menyentuh sektor interior berupa setir empat lubang, headrest dan seatbelt sebagai item standar.


Untuk standar sekarang, model empat silinder menawarkan performa yang biasa-biasa saja, sebagai contoh model 220 dengan output 104bhp memiliki akselerasi 0-100 kpj 13,7 detik (not much, but not bad either, sebagai perbandingan Hyundai Atoz memerlukan 15,6 detik untuk mencapai 100 kpj).

Model enam silinder menawakan performa yang lebih ‘bersemangat’, walaupun perlu diingat bahwa model enam silinder tanpa injeksi bahan bakar memiliki dua karburator yang membuatnya cukup sulit untuk disetting. 280E mampu berakselerasi dari diam sampai 100 kpj dalam 10,8 detik.

Kebanyakan model enam silinder juga dilengkapi transmisi otomatis empat percepatan yang menawarkan pengalaman berkendara yang lebih halus dan ‘mengalir’ daripada transmisi manual 4 kecepatannya. Power steering juga layak menjadi pertimbangan karena tipe-tipe tanpa power steering membutuhkan 4,6 putaran lock to lock yang bisa cukup merepotkan dikala parkir.

Dibandingkan C-Class modern, pengendalian mobil ini juga biasa-biasa saja. Akan tetapi apabila dibandingkan dengan monster-monster oversteer yang beredar pada zamannya, pengendalian W114/115 cukup mengesankan. Membandingkan mobil ini dengan mobil-mobil ‘mewah’ lain sezaman akan menyadarkan kita bahwa akan perbedaan yang mendasar antara nyaman dengan lembek.

Buying Guide

Aspek yang paling harus diperhatikan ketika ‘berburu’ W114/115 adalah karat. Mercedes pada zaman itu belum dilengkapi dengan strategi anti karat sebaik yang dimiliki model-model yang lebih baru. Bagian yang harus dicermati antara lain daerah di depan kaca depan dimana terdapat air intake yang cenderung menampung air hujan yang masuk (desain ini diperbaiki pada model w123), daerah di balik bumper, door sills, juga dinding antara ruang mesin dan kabin.

Dapat dipastikan bagian paling kuat dari mobil-mobil ini adalah mesinnya. Seperti dibuktikan oleh seorang supir taksi di Yunani yang pada tahun 2004 akhirnya mempensiunkan 240D 1976-nya setelah mengarungi lebih dari 4.600.000 kilometer! Seperti pada model-model Mercedes-Benz lainnya, pastikan bahwa oli dan filter oli diganti secara berkala dan tanyakan oli apa yang biasa digunakan, jangan takut membayar lebih untuk mobil yang selalu menggunakan oli Mobil-1. Pertimbangan yang sama juga berlaku untuk kondisi interior karena sejumlah panel-panel pengganti mungkin sulit untuk dicari.

Untuk meminimalisasi ongkos dan waktu yang akan anda habiskan untuk restorasi, carilah mobil dengan kondisi terbaik yang terjangkau oleh dana yang anda anggarkan. Ingat, utamakan kondisi daripada model ataupun warna dan jangan ragu membayar lebih.

“Fashion has got to be something that is so ugly that we have to change it every six months”

The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde, 1890


A Chance Encounter

The Facts :

1974 Mercedes-Benz 200 (W115)

Engine M115 2000 cc , 4 Cylinders, Carbureted

Power 95 brake horse power @ 5000 RPM

Torque 120 lb-ft @ 2900 RPM

Transmission 4-speed manual , Rear Wheel Drive

Weight 1335 kg

0-62 mph 14 seconds

Top Speed 100 MPH

Fuel Consumption 25.5 MPG

Years produced 1968-1974

Overview :

The W114/W115 or stroke 8 models were a big success and their enduring elegance and bombproof mechanicals make them affordable classics for the Mercedes enthusiasts of today.

Words and images: The Editor (some facts are taken from various sources)

Mercedes model designation codes have a well known tendency to be rather confusing, but of all the Mercedes model ranges, this one has got to be the most confusing. Regardless of fuel type and body style, all the six cylinder models were designated as W114s and all the four cylinder models were W115s. To make things simpler and to help differentiate them from earlier ‘Fintail’ W110 models, since 1968, they are collectively known as /8 or stroke-8 (strich-8 as it is called in german). The "stroke-8" name comes from the designation for the 1968 model year cars - they were informally called "W114/8" and "W115/8" the first year. This name stuck in common usage even after the "W114/9" was introduced in 1969. Today, "stroke-8" refers to the entire generation of cars.

The first sketches for the new series of mid-sized Mercedes limousines were drawn in 1960 by fritz Nallinger and the board of directors gave the green light in 1964. The new generation of Mercedes was launched in January 1968 in Sicilia, Italy.

The original W114/W115 range comprised of six models, from the 200D four cylinder diesel powered 54 bhp engine, to the 250 with six cylinder petrol engine and 128 bhp. In April 1973, along with some facelift to the interior and exterior (including a lower bonnet line with lower placed headlamps, new front side windows without the old-fashioned quarter panels, two big rear view mirrors, new padded 4-hole steering wheel, the now famous ribbed tail lights and a few more minor changes) the line up was completed with top-of-the-line 280 and 280E (with bosch fuel injection) models. A coupé variant of this model was introduced in 1969 with a 'C' designated after the model number. Where the saloon would just have '280E' written on the boot lid, the coupe would have '280CE'. Although the coupé was the same length as the saloon (from the A-pillar forward it was identical) the passenger compartment was 19 inches shorter, the roof was two inches lower and the boot was considerably longer. It also had a more elegant rear window reminiscent that of the “Pagoda” SLs, chrome strips down each side of the roof and a pillarless design where all the windows could be wound completely away for "summer motoring".

The stroke 8 was a benchmark in the history of Mercedes-Benz. This is the model that cemented the image of Mercedes as manufacturers of exceptional quality products. Nearly 2 million stroke 8s were built (note that at the time the world’s population is less than half of today’s) until production ceased in December 1975. And today we can still find many solid examples of these models on the roads across the globe. The car has a distinctive appeal owing to its subtle and beautiful, classic lines, safety features and advance chassis/suspension engineering. The car’s exceedingly good handling (compared to cars from the period) and remarkable comfort is prove to the ingenious chassis/suspension design. It is so good that the R107 roadster models (a car whose achievements in motorsport and 19 years production run elevated it to legendary status) borrows its front subframe and wishbones along with the rear suspension from these rather ‘humble’ stroke 8 models.

It might be easier to find a highly collectable, top-of-the-line, rare models in excellent condition today than a classic everyday mid-range model that has been especially well cared for. Everyday models can live hard lives whilst more iconic ones like the 300SLs are often pampered like royalties.

Now, after almost 40 years since the model launched, many have covered hundreds of thousands of miles and succumbed to rust. This is why the editor is stunned when he met this beautifully preserved 1974 W115 200 by chance.

See, your editor lives in a typicall flat complex in north Bandung where the parking spaces is ‘littered’ by the tenants’ Japanese econoboxes. The editor used to think that his flat’s parking space is a testament to Oscar Wilde’s claim that “nowadays, people knows the price of everything, but they know not the value of anything”.

That is until one morning in September of 2007. The editor is washing his beloved W 202 which he affectionately christened ‘Ben’ after an all night’s monsoon rain, his eyes is stunned by this pristine 1974 W115 200 in Citrus Green on crème velour interior coming up the flat complex’ driveway. After the Mercedes was neatly parked, the editor immediately dropped his hose and came up to the middle aged driver and started a conversation.

From the driver he learned that the car is his Father’s, which is the owner of the complex, and that morning he was told to warm up the car and take it for a spin. The driver said that the car only got driven about once a month and his Father has owned it since new and no matter how high enthusiasts bid for the car, none of them ever manage to persuade the Old Man to sell the Mercedes, he’d rather see it sitting in his garage as the years went by.

When the editor stepped inside the interior, he is amazed by the show room fresh condition. The light brown velour trimming is clean, all the panels are intact even the carpeting is free of any stains. He then popped the hood and the engine bay looked like the way it must have been in the early seventies.

Since he was washing his Mercedes anyway, he offers the good gentleman if he would let him wash the car. And surprisingly enough the driver agrees. That is when he started the engine and the editor once again amazed by how easily the four stroke cycle started and how smooth the pouring sound came from a 33 year old engine, it sounded better than at least half of the econoboxes parked there..

He carefully taxied the Mercedes alongside ‘The Ben’ and started washing the subtly curved body panels in pure nostalgic bliss.

But it was not until later that day when he was applying interior detailing spray to the mint instrument panels (that shows 44000 kilometers on the clock) and gazing through the windshield to those pale pimped-out-Macpherson-strutted imitations of automobiles parked out on the driveway that he came to a quantum leap revelation. At that moment he felt as if the ghosts of Oscar Wilde, Emile Jellinek and Coco Chanel were conversing in the back seat, and for the first time in his life he noticed a connection between them: Fashion has got to be something that is so ugly that you have to change it every six months, style on the other hand is forever, and that is one of the reasons why, Mercedes-Benzes are built like no other.


First things first (introduction)

Words:Bob Silalahi

This is an introduction to this magazine that I know I should’ve wrote the first time I launch the magazine –my bad. .I never liked cliché’s, and conventions anyway, so here it is.

From the name you would have noticed that this is a magazine dedicated for those among us who share the same passion, the same fascination and the same idolatrous adoration for these cars with stars. The fact is, no matter how long the history behind Mercedes-Benz enthusiasts in Indonesia, there hasn’t been any definitive source for everything Mercedes written by Indonesians. Yes, through these years, some have tried, but most of them fell short on satisfying the enthusiasts’ need. Why is this so? Because the previous publications are written by journalists, and simply being a Mercedes-Benz journalist doesn’t necessary makes one a true enthusiast. So I decided to tackle this problem with this e magazine.

Here you will find not only up to date information regarding Mercedes-Benz and Daimler AG (they dropped the notorious Chrysler part from the company name earlier this month, following the major withdrawal of Chrysler’s share in the company-hope it’s for good) but also stories and histories about various Mercedes-Benz models through out its life. Sure most of the up to date news are taken from other sources, but none of them is written in Bahasa. That’s where indomerc comes in, providing you with the latest news in the world of Mercedes, in the language that most Indonesians understand.

You will find some of the ‘story’ articles written in English. This is not because I just cut and paste them here from other sources but because English can capture more nuances better than bahasa. So these articles are written in English simply because they would sound better that way. By reading it I’m sure you would agree.

So with this we present to you, Indomercedes, the only independent Mercedes-Benz publication in Indonesia that’s written by the people who understands for the people who understands.

Warm regards,

The editor

“a man should be a work of art, if he can’t be a work of art, then he should wear a work of art” , Oscar Wilde.